General Bus Info

Each school day, Chignecto-Central Regional Centre for Education's fleet of 200 buses transports over 20,000 students to and from schools across the region. In a given year, CCRCE buses travel more than 1,000,000 kilometers.

To manage our fleet, CCRCE employs a Coordinator of Pupil Transportation and a Pupil Transportation Foreperson at our four bus garages.

Meeting Students

Students in Grades PrePrimary, Primary, One and Two must have an adult meet them at the bus stop when getting off the bus. Also, we are not legally allowed to accept notes from parents/guardians for the child(ren) to get off the bus without an adult present. 

Changing Buses

With over crowding on buses we are unable to approve requests for students to go on a different bus to a friends house. 

Late Bus Information

Starting this school year, CCRCE will be sharing late bus information with families through text notification. Once families have opted in to receive text messages from their school, you will automatically receive text messages if a bus is running 20 minutes late or more from your school. To receive texts, please verify your contact information is up to date in PowerSchool and opt-in with our service provider by texting Y to the shortcode 978338. 

You can also see information on cancelled buses and bus runs with significant delays on the Late Bus Notification page. 

Bus Information Available Online

Families that have questions on student transportation may access bus information on BusPlanner. This is a quick and convenient way for families to confirm bus stop information. 

A few helpful points:

  • If your child is attending the same school this year and their address has not changed their bus information will be the same unless the someone from Student Transportation has contacted you.
  • Any updates from PowerSchool may not be available until the last week of August. 

If you have additional questions after accessing BusPlanner, Student Transportation can be accessed by calling 1-866-428-4696. Monday thru Friday 8am – 4pm.

Contact Student Transportation

Please note there will not be an option to leave a message and depending on call volumes you may be placed on a short hold. As we are still in the process of upgrading our phone system, not all features are available and unfortunately if all of our lines are in use, the next caller will receive a busy signal. Please hang up and try back.

We appreciate your patience as we start off the new school year.

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